

5 Princes Boys


31 Jul 2012

[PIC] Our F/W B1A4 with Hats On

Source : hatson.co.kr
Via: bethe1all4one
 Shared: daisytami BanaIndonesia

Take Out with Full Credits !

[PIC] 120731 HATS ON Cute and colorful Sandeul and Gongchan for SMB(Super Massive Bound)

Source : naver + osen
Via: aviateb1a4
 Shared: daisytami BanaIndonesia

Take Out with Full Credits !

[TRANS]120731 Cafe Post Sandeul ‘Today is…!!’


바나~ 안녕하세요 !!ㅎㅎ

혹시…오늘이 무슨 날인지 아세요~??ㅎㅎ
읭?? 몰라용?? ㅠㅠ
우리~ 바나를 바나라고 부른지 딱 !! 1주년 되는 날이잖아요 !! ㅎㅎ
몰랐죠?? 짜쟌~ 서프라이즈~!! 헤헤
흠.. 물론 아시는 분들도 있었겠죠 !! 이런 센스쟁이들~
저는 !! 우리 바나들과 함께 했고 또 바나를 바나라고 부를 수 있었던 1년이 너~무 행복했어요 !! ㅎㅎ
앞으로도 우리 함께 행복한 시간들만 많이많이 만들어가요~ ♥
오늘은 유난히 밝은 달이 우리 기념일을 축복해주네요 ~ ㅎㅎ
사랑해 바나들~♥ 너희들 참 좋아~♥
Today is…!!

BANAs~ Hello!!ㅎㅎ

I’m Sandeul~
Any chance… You guys know what day is it today~??ㅎㅎ
Ing?? You don’t know?? ㅠㅠ
It’s been exactly!! One year since we~ have calling you BANAs as BANAs!!ㅎㅎ
Bet you didn’t know right?? Tadah~ Surprise~!! Hehe
Hmm.. Of course there are people who would know!! You sensible people~
In the past year that I have been able to be with our BANAs, and to be able to call BANAs as BANAs, I’ve so~ happy!!ㅎㅎ
Let’s continue to spend lots and lots of happy times together in future~ ♥
The exceptionally bright moon is congratulating us on our anniversary~ ㅎㅎ
I love you, BANAs~♥ You all are awesome~♥


source : B1A4 Daum Cafe Official
EngTrans by 
skipfire @ FLIGHTB1A4
: daisytami BanaIndonesia

Take Out with Full Credits !

[TRANS] 120731 Cafe Post Jinyoung ‘BANA-ya’


바나야 바나야 바나야 바나야 바나야 바나야….

작년 이때 처음 ‘바나’ 라고 부르는게 쑥스러웠던 기억이 엊그제 같은데…
이젠 우리에겐 이렇게 부르고 또 불러도 어색하지 않은 그런 사이가 되었네요…
일년 동안 묵묵히 곁에서 우리를 지켜줘서 너무 고마워….
평생 바나야 라고 부르면서 우리 함께해요! 약속!
바나야 하고 불렀다…♥

BANA-ya BANA-ya BANA-ya BANA-ya BANA-ya BANA-ya….

The memory of us being embarrassed while calling everyone BANA for the first year last year seems like it was just a few days ago…
Saying it, and saying it over again has made it comfortable between us…
Thank you so much for quietly watching over us for the past year…
We’ll walk together forever as I call out ‘BANA-ya’! Promise!
I’m calling out for BANA-ya…♥


source : B1A4 Daum Cafe Official
EngTrans by 
skipfire @ FLIGHTB1A4
: daisytami BanaIndonesia

Take Out with Full Credits !


: 즐거운 가족들과의 외식~맛있는 삼겹살~!바나의 저녁 메뉴는 뭐였어요? 

 : Eating out with my happy family~ Tasty samgyupsal (T/N: pork belly)~ ! What was BANA's dinner menu?

 : Makan diluar bersama keluarga~ Samgyupsalnya enak~! Menu makan malam BANA apa?

 형! 저는 치킨 먹으면서 유도 보고 있어요~형들 보고 싶어요~ pic.twitter.com/da9HLJ7g

 Hyung! I'm watching judo while eating chicken~! I miss hyungs~ 

 Hyung! Aku lagi nonton judo sambil makan ayam~ Aku rindu hyung-hyungku~

 강아지 몸은 괜찮냐? 맛있는거 많이 먹고 아무거나 먹지 말어. 나도 보고 싶다.

  Puppy, is your body okay? Eat a lot of tasty foods and don't just eat anything. I miss you too.

  Puppy, apakah badanmu terasa baik? Banyak makan makanan yang enak dan jangan hanya makan apapun. Aku juga rindu kamu.

 집에 가니까 좋지? 형도 좋아~ㅋㅋ 살 좀 쪘는지 내일 확인해봐야겠다~조심히 올라와~

: You feel good agter going to your house, right? Hyung likes it too~ ㅋㅋ I should check tomorrow if I gained some weight~ Come back safely~ 

Kamu merasa lebih baikan setelah pulang ke rumah, kan? Hyung juga menyukainya~ ㅋㅋ Besok aku harus mengecek kalau aku tambah berat badan~ Kembali dengan selamat~

cr: hyejin @ b1a4trans | via: aviateb1a4.tumblr.com 
indotrans: chintya BanaIndonesia
shared: chintya BanaIndonesia